Our first investment in a truly circulair technology: Black Bear Carbon

December 6, 2017

Our first investment in a truly circulair technology: Black Bear Carbon

We are excited to present to you our first investment in a truly circular technology: Black Bear Carbon.

Black Bear has developed a patented technology and process to up-cycle tires into valuable carbon black (that’s the stuff that gives rubber its structure and makes everything in the world black: and that’s a lot of things).Every year over 1.5 billion polluting end-of-life tires enter the global waste stream. Until now there has been no commercially viable and planetary sustainable solution: however, Black Bear is already harvesting and up-cycling the carbon black from end-of-life tires to a quality level that exceeds that of the original product and the process is commercially viable without subsidies.

This Cradle-to-Cradle certified approach not only solves an important waste management problem but also massively reduces CO₂ emissions, preserving our planet and the environment. As an example, one Black Bear line saves more CO2 than one million trees can consume.

We are really excited to partner with Black Bear’s world class and super ambitious team to realize the promise of truly scalable and sustainable impact with the company’s proprietary, modular and proven technology.

If you are as excited as we are, please check out Black Bear on their website.