💸 Investment News 💸: DeWarmte

November 4, 2021

💸 Investment News 💸: DeWarmte

We are excited to present the latest addition to Rubio’s ‘Champions of Change’: DeWarmte. This ambitious venture invented the HeatCycle, a revolutionary system that transforms domestic wastewater into usable new energy.

The two young co-founders Sander Wapperom and Auke de Vries (in the picture above with the first prototype), both TU Delft alumni, are certainly setting their sights high: their mission is to create a completely carbon-neutral heat supply. The idea behind the technology is actually quite straightforward: the HeatCycle system recovers the heat that disappears down the drain every day. The system then restores and reuses this recovered heat for heating tap water or for space heating. The effect? An average of 20% reduction in CO2 emissions produced by residential heating for a household.

Up until now, there was no viable solution for the loss of heat through the household sewage system. But the HeatCycle is a game changer! Our investment will be used to expand DeWarmte’s team, accelerate product development and set-up their operations for scale.

Ready to find out more about this unique low-threshold first step towards creating more sustainable households? Check out their company page on our website.