Best For The World™ B Corp!
Best For The World™ B Corp!
We’re excited to announce that we’ve been recognized as a Best For The World™ B Corp!
Out of 5,000 Certified B Corporations worldwide, we are among the top 5% #BCorps in one of the five impact areas assessed as part of the certification process! Our continuous commitment towards our impact mission paved the way for this achievement.
We have been recognized for our efforts in the Customers area; offering products or services that support the greater good. Our score is made up of many different aspects but we scored highest on our mission lock, our positive impact performance, our impact reporting and on our capacity building (supporting others in making impact !). More on our overall score can be found here ( https://www.bcorporation.net/en-us/find-a-b-corp/company/social-impact-ventures)
And check out the full #BFTW2022 lists on bcorporation.net/best-for-the-world, big congrats to all fellow #BFTW2022
#BCorps are businesses that meet high standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.