Taylor ready for the market: ‘Significantly more profitability with innovative microelectronics and software’

September 14, 2022

Taylor ready for the market: ‘Significantly more profitability with innovative microelectronics and software’

Our portfolio company taylor. just entered the next phase! Since last week solar panels with their cell string optimizing (CSO) technology are widely available in The Netherlands through their distribution partners. That’s great news because their technology increases the yield of these solar panels significantly. This leads to a lower cost price of solar power and more solar power per m2; both quintessential to speed up the energy transition.

At Rubio we are happy to see the progress Taylor has made since our seed investment last year. We believe that this breakthrough technology will ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy and help more organizations all over the world to have more solar power in an easier and safer way.  

For more details about this next fase we recommend this (Dutch) article: https://solarmagazine.nl/nieuws-zonne-energie/i27906/taylor-klaar-voor-de-markt-significant-meer-rendement-met-innovatieve-micro-elektronica-en-software