Healthy Systems

Solutions that create positive change in Food, Agriculture and Human Health.


Healthy Systems

Impact Results 2023

4 -> 5
Technology Readiness Level (TRL 5,6,7)

4 -> 8
Technology Readiness Level (TRL 5,6,7)

Environmental footprint in CO2 equivalent emissions/kg *

* Recent investment with no data yet and or no binary targets

People supplied with medication

Reductions in surgical complications

Number of skin assessments

Informed health decisions

Unique mental health user sessions

% cost reduction in cultured meat*

* Recent investment with no data yet and or no binary targets

Regulatory approval of the product*

Tonnes of meat analogues sold*

Filed a dossier for regulaFiled a dossier for regulatory approval (US, EU, LatAm)*

Proven efficacy and non-toxicity in commercial trial*

#kg of cultured meat produced*

* Recent investment with no data yet and or no binary targets
Impact Case Solasta Bio

Solasta Bio

In this impact case of Solasta Bio you can read all about Solasta’s Bio technology that is at the forefront of introducing the next generation of environmentally friendly insecticides.

Our Healthy Systems Investments

“Big challenges are lying ahead of us in Food, Agriculture and Human Health. This calls for a transition using novel technologies but above all it calls for innovative entrepreneurs.”