

Using technology to improve surgical care

A patients’ geographical location plays a significant role in their access to the best medical care. No matter where on this planet you go to a hospital, you should be able to get the best surgical care. Incision is on a mission to empower medical professionals and reduce surgical complications worldwide through a surgical knowledge platform and standardization tool. With step-by-step 3D instruction videos and workflow tools the company ensures hospital OR staff are better prepared for surgery, leading to better surgical outcomes.

For Incision we track the following impact target:

  • The cumulative number of reductions in surgical complications (the target includes extra weight towards low and middle income countries)*

This target links to Sustainable Development Goal 3.

* Surgical procedures prepared for and managed with Incision’s suite of tools. A reduction in complications from surgery (from base rate of ~15% of surgeries), estimated at 3% reduction for high resource countries and 6% for mid/low resource countries